Aurora EMR Scanning

HIPAA Compliant Document Scanning

Confidential data is used in every business setting, and the same is true for healthcare organizations. Hospital and clinic staff must regularly communicate with patients and other providers. The exchange of healthcare records, insurance information, and medical imaging requires extra precautions. TTSG’s Aurora EMR scanning technology is a step towards achieving regulatory compliance and protecting personal health information.

Streamline back-office processes with full HIPAA compliance.

Healthcare facilities must protect digital files to stay HIPAA compliant. Just because you’re using new document-related tech doesn’t mean your facility is fully compliant with HIPAA law, as most scanners and document management systems are not automatically HIPAA compliant.

Your office’s technology plays a significant part in compliance and the protection of confidential information. We understand the specialized programs needed for HIPAA compliance and can implement the best strategies to protect medical records.

Scanned electronic media records (EMR) without proper encryption can easily result in a breach. Our EMR healthcare scanning technologies feature privacy measures to reach and maintain compliance.

  • A selection of fully HIPAA compliant devices
  • Unique user identification
  • Protection through data encryption
  • Data back-up and remote storage
  • Document confidentiality

Cloud-based Compliance

Protect patient information while making confidential data readily available.

The healthcare industry requires a level of protection that other industries don’t need. The balance of privacy and availability is crucial to EMR, but few hardware options deliver these features in tandem. Our Aurora EMR scanning solutions provide a single, secure solution.

Documents are protected using features like encryption and authentication. When a file needs to be accessed, authorized personnel can easily retrieve the document from the secure cloud environment.

Our Solutions in Action

TTSG’s technology provides a medical center with the flexibility and protection it needs to scan within its home network securely.