Elgin EMR Scanning

HIPAA Compliant Document Scanning

Technology is at the center of the healthcare industry. Medical organizations face a unique set of challenges. Per HIPAA, staff must regularly communicate with patients and other providers while adhering to privacy measures. TTSG is dedicated to upholding the safety of electronic media records (EMR). We protect healthcare information by implementing a proper encryption process via Elgin EMR scanning solutions.

Streamline back-office processes with full HIPAA compliance.

Some industries are just figuring out the world of document compliance. Proper encryption and data breaches are still a relatively new phenomenon for many businesses. However, this isn’t the case for the healthcare industry. Your field has led the way in mandatory data protection for years.

Although HIPAA was enacted in 1996, it can still be challenging to find the ideal solution for handling and digitizing your medical documents. Electronic medical records contain multiple types of sensitive information, so it’s essential to protect them from various angles. Our Elgin healthcare scanning solutions make HIPAA compliance easy.

  • Selection of fully HIPAA-compliant devices
  • Unique user identification
  • Protection through data encryption
  • Data back-up and remote storage
  • Document confidentiality

Cloud-based Compliance

Healthcare providers require flexible options that align with stringent HIPAA regulations.

TTSG brings a new level of security to healthcare facilities of all sizes, from small dental offices to multidisciplinary clinics. Our Elgin healthcare scanning solutions protect scanned data using multi-level encryption and technical safeguards that limit the availability of information to authorized personnel. When staff needs to use these documents, they can easily retrieve them from the cloud-based storage system.

Documents live in a secure cloud environment that increases productivity and efficiency. Staff can easily retrieve a patient’s information without the limitations of traditional infrastructure. When the medical records are not in use, they remain behind an internal firewall and extra layers of encrypted protection.

Our Solutions in Action

TTSG’s technology provides a medical center with the flexibility and protection it needs to scan its home network securely.