Naperville EMR Scanning

HIPAA Compliant Document Scanning

The healthcare industry relies on the link between paper-based and electronic medical records. The combination of these files is an integral part of patient care. Secure your patients’ sensitive information with TTSG. Our Naperville EMR scanning solutions protect your digital files yet make them easily accessible for permitted parties.

Streamline back-office processes with full HIPAA compliance.

When it comes to your document storage and scanning, the wrong choice could mean severe consequences for your practice. Electronic medical records contain multiple types of sensitive information, so it’s essential to protect them from various angles.

As a medical professional, you want to give your patients the best possible protection against data leakage while achieving regulatory compliance. TTSG is dedicated to upholding the safety of electronic media records (EMR).

Printed records are digitized to protect sensitive information subject to HIPAA. Our Naperville healthcare scanning solutions protect scanned data using multi-level encryption and technical safeguards. This data is limited to authorized personnel only. When staff members need to use these documents, they can easily retrieve them from the cloud-based storage system.

  • A selection of fully HIPAA compliant devices
  • Unique user identification
  • Protection through data encryption
  • Data back-up and remote storage
  • Document confidentiality

Cloud-based Compliance

Achieve regulatory compliance while protecting healthcare records and personal information.

Our Naperville healthcare scanning solutions allow electronic medical records to be safely stored. They are essential for keeping medical history. They’re also necessary for billing and insurance purposes. All files are protected through an encrypted, cloud-based system. These records are protected through technical and administrative safeguards, aligning with HIPPA’s strict standards.

Our Solutions in Action

TTSG’s technology provides a medical center with the flexibility and protection it needs to scan its home network securely.